2021 Child-Resistant Cannabis Package Webinar Registration

2021 Child-Resistant Cannabis Package Webinar

Wednesday, March 31, 2021   

Noon-2:00 p.m. EST



A link to the webinar will be sent to you via email prior to event.

Learn from industry experts about testing methods, industry trends, packaging innovations, and regulations in the Child-Resistant/Senior-Friendly Cannabis Packaging Market.

Conference Registration

The results of this testing will help develop better child-resistant packages to keep the contents safe from children. If too many children open the container during the testing, that package will fail the test and not be used to package medicines or harmful chemicals, keeping children safe from potential poisonings. Children will be told about the dangers of opening packages containing medicines and are asked to promise to hand such packages to an adult if they come across one. Children are asked to repeat this back to the proctor to make sure they understand.

"Saving Children's Lives One Test At A Time."

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