Site Partners

Site Partners

Working Together to Keep Our Children Safe.

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The time commitment is minimal, but the benefits are for a lifetime.

Take a minute and consider all the over-the-counter medicine, prescription drugs, and hazardous chemicals that are in the average home. Each one has the potential to kill or harm a child from accidental poisoning – this is why child-resistant package testing is so important and why we need your help.

For over 55 years, Bird Dog Marketing Group, LLC has successfully tested the effectiveness of child-resistant closures following the Consumer Product Safety Commission (Poison Prevention Packaging Act), EPA, and FDA guidelines in a multitude of settings. These settings include daycare centers, preschools, head start programs, public/private civic groups, retail centers, and church organizations.

Through an ongoing joint effort between these organizations we continue to see a dramatic decrease in the death rate among children due to accidental poisoning or overdose from medications and common household products.

Testing site partnerships are a critical component to saving the lives of children and we hope you will consider becoming one of our site partners.

In 1970, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issued the Poison Prevention Packaging Act which holds companies accountable 'to protect children from serious personal injury or serious illness resulting from handling, using or ingesting hazardous household substances.' This means that pharmaceutical, household, and chemical production companies are responsible for testing child-resistant packages to ensure they are certified based on established testing protocols.


The only way to ensure a package is child-resistant is to have a sampling of children try to open the package. Your partnership is critical to keeping children throughout the world safe from accidentally ingesting harmful drugs and chemicals.

The information and time needed to conduct our research is minimal and requires very little effort on the part of the site director. During the research process, a site representative is welcome, as well as encouraged, to sit in and observe what is being performed.

Our trained proctor works with two children (42-51 months of age) at a time in an area free of distractions. The children are given a package which contains water or placebo (nothing that would harm a child) and are asked to try and open the package.  If no or one child opens the package in 5 minutes, the tester opens the package in front of the children and asks them to try again. Children are not told how to open the package; they are watching as if they might see a parent opening a package. The test continues until the package is opened or the time limit occurs, whichever comes first. 

The results of this testing will help develop better child-resistant packages to keep the contents safe from children. If too many children open the container during the testing, that package will fail the test and not be used to package medicines or harmful chemicals, keeping children safe from potential poisonings. Children will be told about the dangers of opening packages containing medicines and are asked to promise to hand such packages to an adult if they come across one. Children are asked to repeat this back to the proctor to make sure they understand.

"Saving Children's Lives One Test At A Time."

Let's Work Together


Package testing protocol requires that the package is child-resistant AND senior-friendly. This portion of the study is critical for two reasons – adults (50-70) need to be able to open the package without too much difficulty and follow the instructions to close the package properly.

The information and time needed to conduct our research is minimal and requires very little effort on the part of the organization/business. The adults (generally 50-70 years of age) will be asked to open and sometimes close 2 identical packages. They will then rate them on a scale of very easy to very hard. The testing generally takes about 2 minutes.

The results from this testing will help develop better child-resistant packages to help keep the contents safe from children. If too many adults cannot open the container during the testing, that package will fail the test and be evaluated as to the reason, i.e. confusing directions, bad package design, etc. We also test children between the ages of 42-51 months, at preschools and day care centers, with their parent's permission. If too many children can open the package the test fails as well.

Adult package testing is an excellent fundraising opportunity with minimal effort and time on your part. Please contact Bird Dog Marketing Group to learn more.

Let's Work Together
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