Take a minute and consider all the over-the-counter medicine, prescription drugs, and hazardous chemicals that are in the average home. Each one has the potential to kill or harm a child from accidental poisoning – this is why child-resistant package testing is so important and why we need your help.
For over 50 years, Bird Dog Marketing Group, LLC has successfully tested the effectiveness of child-resistant closures following the Consumer Product Safety Commission (Poison Prevention Packaging Act), EPA, and FDA guidelines in a multitude of settings. These settings include daycare centers, preschools, head start programs, public/private civic groups, retail centers, and church organizations.
Through an ongoing joint effort between these organizations we continue to see a dramatic decrease in the death rate among children due to accidental poisoning or overdose from medications and common household products.
Testing site partnerships are a critical component to saving the lives of children and we hope you will consider becoming one of our site partners.